
Gift Card Christmas Shopping Card

Christmas Shopping Card

Do you want to reward your employees with an exceptional welfare voucher offer? Buy the Corporate Gift Card Christmas Shopping Card now! With just a few clicks you can give your employees the best company benefits to make their work even more rewarding.

Christmas Card è il regalo di Natale perfetto per amici, parenti, colleghi e chi vuoi tu! Un credito digitale spendibile liberamente per fare shopping scegliendo tra oltre 100 brand disponibili. È anche una soluzione aziendale conveniente per fare regali di Natale ai dipendenti, offrire omaggi, premi di fine anno, incentivi ed erogare fringe benefit. Acquista il buono digitale multibrand per i tuoi regali personali e premi aziendali di Natale.



Christmas Card is the version of Idea Shopping Blue for Christmas.
Discover the participating signs on blue.idea-shopping.it/welcome.
Christmas Card is cumulative and expendable in several solutions.

Christmas Card must be used within the validity date indicated above. Remember: you have 6 months from issue to insert the Idea Shopping codes in your wallet. The credit uploaded on your profile will be valid for a further 6 months, starting from the day you upload the credit in your wallet.
Attention! Christmas Card is not directly expendable in shops or e-commerce, it must first be converted into one or more digital vouchers of the partner brands.
To use your Christmas Card please follow the instructions below:

connect to the website blue.idea-shopping.it/welcome
register and click on "add code" to enter the codes in your possession in the wallet
in the "catalogue" section choose the Teacher you prefer and check the terms and conditions of use by clicking on "more details". For any inefficiencies related to the chosen Shop, please contact their customer care directly, the Idea Shopping Blue team is not responsible for possible malfunctions.
select the desired amount and quantity and add the gift card to your shopping cart to finalize your purchase.
print the gift card or send it to your inbox
go to the shop or make purchases on the e-commerce chosen
All the Gift Cards chosen through Christmas Card can be redownloaded and re-submitted from the "historical operations" section of your personal area, inside the Idea Shopping Blue website.

Pay attention! In addition to the date indicated you will no longer be able to spend Christmas Card.

More Information

Country ITA
Validity in months 6
Brand /f/0/f0320e9e02274f3cbbc3eed67ea54980_1_3.png

Are you a private individual? Discover Giftiamo and buy your gift card.